Monday, September 8, 2008

Memory Lane...

Oh my god, so I was going through my stuff last night, and I found this picture of me with my ex-boyfriend. We met on Jdate, believe it or not. We were both alone and scared of dying, so we made the misguided decision to be alone and scared together. On our one year anniversary he took me to his favorite sanatorium, way up in the Swiss alps. We awoke early and did calisthenics in the chill morning air. We delicately sipped light broths. He wrote a story, which he dedicated to me. It was about a guy who wakes up one morning to find he’s been transformed into a bra. He spends his days cupping breasts, but as winter approaches, he finds himself stifled by more and more layers of clothing. In the climactic scene, he is suffocated underneath a heavy beaver coat. The symbolism wasn’t that hard to unpack. I took a hint and hopped the next train back to Berlin.

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